Dikutip dari :WASHINGTON (CNN)
President Obama said his administration will offer a hand of friendship to the Muslim world but will hunt down terrorist organizations that kill innocent civilians.
"My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy," Obama said in an interview with Al-Arabiya, the Dubai-based satellite television network. "We sometimes make mistakes. We have not been perfect."
During his run for the White House, Obama pledged to improve ties with the Muslim world, draw down U.S. troops in Iraq and close the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The president also has pledged to address the Muslim world from a Muslim capital in the first 100 days of his administration. No location has been announced.
Obama said the United States will go after terrorist groups that kill innocent civilians but will do so while respecting the rule of law. The president said that difference makes America great.
The Obama administration also has taken an early interest in the Middle East peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians, with the president naming former Sen. George Mitchell as his special envoy to the region. Mitchell is scheduled to arrive in the Mideast on Tuesday to shore up a fragile cease-fire between Israel and Gaza's Hamas leadership.
"I think the most important thing is for the United States to get engaged right away," Obama told Hisham Melhem, Al-Arabiya's Washington bureau chief.
A tentative cease-fire between Israel and Hamas-ruled Gaza began last week after a three-week military operation by Israeli troops in the Palestinian territory.
"Ultimately, we cannot tell either the Israelis or the Palestinians what's best for them. They're going to have to make some decisions," Obama said. "But I do believe that the moment is ripe for both sides to realize that the path that they are on is one that is not going to result in prosperity and security for their people. And that instead it's time to return to the negotiating table."
Obama said the United States will start by listening, not dictating, and then a response will be formulated after consultations with all the major parties involved. iReport.com: What should Obama do first?
Obama's interview was seen widely in Pakistan and has received a generally positive response from analysts there.
Islamabad author and journalist Imtiaz Gul told CNN: "It's a good sign of an attempt to reconcile with the Muslim world, to say America wants to reach out to them and not to consider them as an enemy."
Analyst Zaid Hamid said that Obama has yet to win the hearts and minds of the Muslim world.
Hamid said the real litmus test for the Muslim world is what Obama does with the crisis in Gaza.
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NEWS TODAY - Obama tells Muslims ' Americans are not your enemy,'
NEWS TODAY - Aliran Sesat Satria Piningit (Pencabulan Agus Sulit Dibuktikan)
NEWS TODAY - Berita hari ini tanggal 31 januari, mengenai Penyebar aliran sesat Satria Piningit Wateng Buwono. seperti dikutip dari detik, Agus Imam Solichin sudah menyerah diri. Kasus pencabulan Agus yang dilaporkan oleh pengikutnya diakui polisi sulit dibuktikan.
Kata Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Zulkarnain "Penyidik yang sampaikan kasusnya sulit karena kejadian pencabulan yang dilaporkan ke polisi sejak tahun 2003," kepada detikcom, Sabtu (31/1/2009).
Menurut Zulkarnain, kalau bukti visumnya dilakukan sekarang, juga tidak memungkin lagi. Saksi pelapor menyatakan dirinya dipijat-pijat oleh Agus dalam keadaan telanjang. Agus membenarkan telah melakukan pemijatan namun tidak dalam keadaan telanjang.
"Polisi sekarang mencari saksi yang melihat kejadian itu. Masalahnya ada nggak? Ada banyak pengikutnya, nggak ada yang datang ke polisi. Mungkin malu atau bagaimana tidak tahu," ujarnya.
Sampai saat ini, lanjut Zulkarnain, polisi masih dalam penyelidikan apakah kasus ini juga bertambah menjadi kasus penistaan agama atau hanya pencabulan. "Kalau memang polisi melihat cukup unsur penistaan agama, ya masih diselidiki," tegasnya.
Mudahmudahan berita tenatng "aliran seat " tidak membuat aksi anarki...byarkan yang berwajib menyelesaikan, dan semoga ajaran agama tetap kukuh.
NEWS TODAY - Tanah Longsor Terjadi di Desa Nglegok, Kecamatan Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah (Jateng)
NEWS TODAY - Berita hari ini tgl 31 februari, mengenai "Tanah Longsor Terjadi di Desa Nglegok, Kecamatan Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah (Jateng) " banyak warga bahkan ribuan Warga ikut menyaksikan peristiwa tersebut. Berita hari ini yang mengenai tenatng Tanah longsor , ternyata menyebabkan 6 orang tewas yang terjadi di Desa Nglegok, Kecamatan Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah (Jateng) pada kemarin malam. Warga berbondong-bondong menyaksikan sisa-sisa bencana tersebut.
Berita hari ini yang dikutip dari detik.com, seperti kata Rasmanto : Banyak sekali yang nonton, ada yang datang pakai truk," kata salah satu warga di lokasi kejadian, , kepada detikcom, Sabtu (31/1/2009).
Rasmanto juga mengatakan : warga dibantu anggota TNI-Polri kini tengah berjibaku untuk menemukan satu korban tewas yang masih tertimbun tanah. Akan tetapi, dia mengaku tidak tahu identitas korban tersebut.
"Satu lagi belum ketemu. Korban sudah tua umurnya," kata Rasmanto yang tinggal di Desa Dayu, Kecamatan Karangpandan ini.
Rasmanto juga menambahkan : Proses evakuasi, kata Rasmanto, dilakukan dengan manual dengan menggunakan alat seadanya. Belum terlihat adanya alat berat di lokasi bencana.
Berita hari ini cupuk menyedihkan bagi korban dan keluarga korban, semoga cepat menjadi lebih baik.
NEWS TODAY - Pengambilan sumpah Presiden AS Bar
NEWS TODAY - Berita hari ini, mengenai pengambilan sumpah presiden Amerika "Barack Obama". Apa yang terjadi?? berita hari ini, mengenai Barack Obama, saya kutip dari detik.com, berikut berita hari ini, mengenai pengambilan sumpah Presiden AS Barack Obama harus diulang karena insiden yang terjadi di hari inaugurasi Obama, 20 Januari lalu.
Pada insiden itu, Ketua MA John Roberts, seperti dilansir Washington Post, Kamis (22/1/2009), salah mengucapkan urut-urutan kata yang harus diucapkan Obama. Buntutnya, Obama pun bingung dan terbata-bata. wah kasian yahch.....
Dimuka jutaan orang yang menyaksikan, keseluruhan Obama mengucapkan sumpahnya demikian:
"I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear that I will execute the office of president of the United States faithfully, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States. "So help me God."
Padahal sesuai Konstitusi AS, sumpah tersebut harusnya berbunyi: "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States. "So help me God."
Kesalahan sumpah Barack Hussein Obama terjadi ketika Roberts harusnya menyebutkan kalimat: "... that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States."
Namun Roberts salah mengucapkan urutan kata-kata tersebut. Dia malah menyebutkan, ".... that I will execute the office of president of the United States faithfully."
Barack Hussein Obama bingung. Obama sepertinya menyadari ada yang salah hingga dia mendadak berhenti pada kata "execute."
Barack Hussein Obama Menyadari ada yang keliru, Roberts pun kemudian mengulang kalimat tersebut. Namun lagi-lagi Roberts melakukan kesalahan. Dia memang mengucapkan kata "faithfully" sesuai urutan namun kata "execute" tidak diucapkannya.
Obama pun akhirnya mengulang kalimat awal versi keliru yang disebutkan Roberts: "....the office of president of the United States faithfully."
NEWS TODAY - Penemuan mayat di kali Pademangan
NEWS TODAY - Berita hari ini mengnai penemuan mayat berjenis kelamin laki-laki, Mayat laki-laki ini menggemparkan masyarakat sekitar, Berita penemuan mayat ini saya kutip dari liputan6, berikut berita hari ini selangkapnya, kawasan Kali Pademangan Satu, Jakarta Utara, Selasa (20/1) pagi, mendadak ramai oleh kerumunan warga. Tersiar kabar sesosok mayat laki-laki ditemukan mengambang di kali tersebut.
Penemuan Mayat lelaki tanpa identitas itu pertama kali ditemukan seorang warga mengambang di kali menggunakan celana pendek dan kaos berwarna hitam. Sangat terkejutnya warga itu ketika mengetahui mayat pria itu penuh dengan luka penganiayaan.
Jajaran aparat Kepolisian Sektor Pademangan yang datang ke lokasi kejadian segera mengidentifikasi jenazah korban. Ini diduga, pria malang itu korban pembunuhan karena ditemukan luka bacok pada kepala, tangan kiri, dan luka bekas penganiayaan pada mata kiri.
Sebagai keperluan otopsi, jenazah korban selanjutnya dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. Kini, kasus penemuan mayat itu ditangani Kepolisian Pademangan.
[ NEWS TODAY ] - Obama's dance to "At Last"
NEWS TODAY - WASHINGTON - "At Last" may be just what the president has been Barack Obama and his wife Michelle was thinking Tuesday night as it glided through the first of their dance to the Etta James classic.
The Obamas stars are prime attractions at the 10 they attend the celebration on Wednesday early morning. By the end of the long day of official events and two-year campaign that put them in the White House.
President taken his wife and close their slow dance, two steps dignity while, offstage, Beyonce singing. Spun president first lady Michelle Obama in a half turn once.
Obama cut loose in the faster flow of a few minutes later, as Shakira, Mary J. Blige, Faith Hill and Mariah Carey singing along with Stevie Wonder to "Signed, Sealed, Delivered." The song is played in almost all of Obama's rallies throughout the campaign.
"You can tell a black president of the way he moves," joked comedian Jamie Foxx to dance.
President white cravat, while Michelle shimmered in the white, one-humped, floor gown. It was embellished from top to bottom with details of white flowers and carried out by the 26-year-old New York designer Jason Wu.
"First of all, look how good is my wife?" Obama request from the crowd and celebrity supporters.
Home on the Obama ball States, the president's first lady taken far closer than he was in their first dance. At one point, he wrapped both arms around her waist and locked it together in the small of the back of the fingers.
"Hello, everybody. Aloha. What happened?" Obama said in the dialect of Hawaii and Illinois contingents, and said they reflected the root. "So you get more involved not only in our campaign, but in our lives."
Vice President Obama and Joe Biden each saluted the nation's military men and women in the Commander in Chief Ball via satellite. Biden said he does not look to the future to time in the spotlight - the dancing, that is.
"The thing that frightens me the most (is) I'm going to have to stand in a circle and dance in a minute." At that time, he was laughing and making a quick sign of the cross.
The Obamas more vibrant, diverting up to dance with the Marine Sgt. Elidio Guillen from Madera, California - that is shorter than dance partner Michelle - and Army Sgt. Margaret H. Herrera San Antonio, Texas, who cried at the president's arm.
Although the formal clothing and entertainment celebrities, like the ball does not matter too. A long line to enter often, going to the bathroom or the coat check, food and heavy on vegetables with dip and cheese cubes.
In a sign, perhaps, the difficult economic times, guests who have paid anywhere from $ 75 for a ticket to thousands for a package deal to purchase their own drinks served in small plastic cups. Beer goes for $ 6, $ 9 for cocktails and champagne for $ 12.
The people stood in line outside the entrance to Union Station in eastern Ball States and one half hours after starting. Because seating is very limited in the Western football, a number of long Attendees Gowns in fancy dress and plopped cross-legged on the floor.
"This is what happens under the economy. There are no chairs, no highboys - from the floor and plastic cups," commented ballgoer Brig Lawson, 38, of Las Vegas.
Director Ron Howard said he sympathized with the long day Obama has.
"I feel bad for him," Howard said in an interview with The Associated Press in West Ball. "He has long days and now he has conducted seven dances. This can be very exhausting for the First Family."
Home on the Obama ball States, the dance floor is dominated by two small girls who skipped and twirled in matching red dresses while growing-up is still standing, crowded around the stage waiting for Obama to appear.
Singer Sheryl Crow, to check for Midwestern Ball, said he wanted to go home.
"I do not see my child in four days. I'm miserable," she told her band between songs.
But there is still a lot of fun to be had in the official balls and dozens of others in the vicinity of Washington.
Crow has been greeted with a cheering crowd later he was right to strike, "A Change Is You Good." When hip-hop star Wyclef Jean asked people in the Mid-Atlantic Ball to pull their tuxedo jackets and swaying in the air to show their support for Barack Obama, thousands do.
Youth in Ball, Kid Rock also belted out songs dresed-20-somethings about the mix. One of them run up to bartender, gave him a high five and said, "Barack Obama is president!"
The Obamas, following Kid Rock and Kanye West, got the real rock-star reception and launched into a strange dance, laugh because it rocked. When they finished, the president grabbed the mic and said, "That is what is called the old school."
In the Midwestern Ball, joked that he was time to "dance with the one that brung me, all except that I do and back heels."
And although the mood was celebratory, the fact that the state of war still hung over the events in the Commander in Chief of the ball and separate Heroes Red White & Blue Ball.
"Remember that you are in the thoughts and our prayers this day, every day, forever," Obama said to the army commander in Chief of the ball. "Tonight, we celebrate. Tomorrow, the work begins. ... Together, I am sure we will write the next chapter in America's big story."
Associated Press writers nedra Pickler, Erica Werner, Suzanne Gamboa, Laurie Kellman, Kimberly Hefling, Sam Hananel, Samantha Critchell, Ben Feller, Philip Elliott and Ann Sanner contributed to this report.
NEWS TODAY - Pilot praised for 'masterful' landing
NEWS TODAY - (sumber CNN), Passengers on the US Airways flight that crash-landed into the Hudson River Thursday afternoon praised the actions and courage of the pilot, a safety consultant with 40 years of experience in the aviation industry.
Sources tell CNN that Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger was piloting US Airways flight 1549 from New York's LaGuardia airport to Charlotte, North Carolina, when at least one of the plane's engines failed.
Passenger Jeff Kolodjay offered "kudos" to Sullenberger for a landing that minimized damage to the aircraft and its 155 passengers and crew.
"All of a sudden the captain came on and he told us to brace ourselves and probably brace ourselves pretty hard. But he did an amazing job -- kudos to him on that landing," said Kolodjay, who was sitting in seat 22A.
Sullenberger's wife told CNN that she was stunned to hear the news from her husband after it was all over.
"I hadn't been watching the news. I've heard Sully say to people, 'It's rare for an airline pilot to have an incident in their career,' " said Lori Sullenberger of Danville, California.
"When he called me he said, 'There's been an accident.' At first I thought it was something minor, but then he told me the circumstances and my body started shaking and I rushed to get our daughters out of school."
US Airways said all 155 passengers and crew are alive and safely off the plane.
The crash-landing has also earned the former fighter pilot and private safety consultant accolades from state and government officials.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg commended the pilot for not leaving the plane without checking to make sure every passenger had been evacuated.
"It would appear that the pilot did a masterful job of landing the plane in the river and then making sure that everybody got out," Bloomberg said at a press conference Thursday.
"I had a long conversation with the pilot. He walked the plane twice after everybody else was off and tried to verify that there was nobody else on board -- and assures us there was not."
Sullenberger apparently was forced to make an emergency landing after geese were sucked into one or both of the jet's engines. An eyewitness working on the west side of Manhattan said the belly of the plane touched the water first.
An official who heard tape recordings of the radio traffic from Flight 1549 reported the pilot was extraordinarily calm during the event.
"There was no panic, no hysterics," the official said. "It was professional, it was calm, it was methodical. It was everything you hoped it could be."
The pilot and air traffic controller discussed options, including landing at Teterboro airport in New Jersey, the official said. Then there was a "period of time where there was no communications back, and I'm assuming he was concentrating on more important things."
Sullenberger's background in aviation appeared to have prepared him for such a situation.
He has been a pilot with US Airways since 1980, following seven years in the U.S. Air Force.
His resume -- posted on the Web site for his safety consulting firm, Safety Reliability Methods, Inc. -- lists piloting procedures, technical safety strategies, emergency management and operations improvement, as areas of industry expertise.
He served as an instructor and Air Line Pilots Association safety chairman, accident investigator and national technical committee member, according to a biography on the site. He participated in several USAF and National Transportation Safety Board accident investigations, and worked with NASA scientists on a paper on error and aviation, his site says.
For the passengers on flight 1549, Sullenberger's skill and expertise were apparent.
"I've flown in a lot of planes and that was a phenomenal landing," said passenger Fred Berretta said.
Berretta was sitting in seat 16A right over one of the engines when it failed and the pilot turned the plane to align it with the Hudson River. He described silence in the plane as the passengers waited to hear from the crew.
A few moments later, the direction to brace for landing came.
NEWS TODAY - Penumpang Kepada Pilot US Airways
NEWS TODAY - Penumpang US Airways yang mendarat darurat di Sungai Hudson pada Kamis sore , memuji tindakan dan keberanian dari pilot US Airways , seorang konsultan keamanan dengan 40 tahun pengalaman di industri penerbangan.
Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger, mantan pilot pesawat tempur Angkatan Udara, bergabung dengan US Airways sejak 1980.
Sumber dari CNN yang Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger, pilot US Airways merupakan penerbangan 1549 dari New York ke bandara LaGuardia Charlotte, North Carolina,sedikitnya salah satu dari mesin pesawat gagal.
Penumpang Jeff Kolodjay memuji Sullenberger atas keberhasilanya meminimalkan kerusakan pada pesawat dan menyelamatkan 155 penumpang dan awak pesawat.
"Semua tiba-tiba datang dengan kapten dan dia mengatakan kepada kami untuk tenang. Tapi dia tetap melaksanakan tugasnya,"kata Kolodjay, yang sedang duduk di kursi 22A.
Istri Sullenberger mengatakan kepada CNN bahwa ia terpesona mendengar berita dari suaminya.
"Saya tidak pernah menonton berita. Sully berkata kepada orang-orang, ini langka untuk pilot maskapai penerbangan untuk memiliki sebuah kejadian dalam karir mereka," ujar Lori Sullenberger dari Danville, California.
"Ketika saya dipanggil dia berkata, 'Tidak ada kecelakaan. Awalnya saya pikir tidak terjadi apa-ap, tetapi kemudian ia berkata, maka saya mulai getaran "
US Airways mengatakan semua 155 penumpang dan awak pesawat masih hidup dan aman di pesawat.
Yang darurat yang juga mantan pilot pesawat tempur dan keselamatan pribadi accolades konsultan dari negara dan pejabat pemerintah.
Walikota New York Michael Bloomberg commended pilot untuk tidak meninggalkan pesawat tanpa memeriksa untuk memastikan semua penumpang telah diungsikan.
"Ini akan muncul pilot yang melakukan pekerjaan yang sangat bagus pendaratan pesawat di
sumber "(CNN)"
NEWS TODAY - Airplane crash-lands into Hudson River; all aboard reported safe
NEW YORK (CNN) -- A US Airways plane with 155 people on board went into a chilly Hudson River, apparently after striking at least one bird upon takeoff from New York's LaGuardia Airport, according to officials and passengers.
Everyone on board was accounted for and alive, officials said. About 15 people were being treated at hospitals and others were being evaluated at triage centers.
Flight 1549, headed to Charlotte, North Carolina, was airborne less than three minutes, according to FAA spokeswoman Laura Brown.
The pilot radioed to air traffic controllers that he had experienced a bird strike and declared an emergency, a New Jersey State Police source said.
Sources identified the pilot as Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger.
"I think a lot of people started praying and just collecting themselves," said passenger Fred Berretta. "It was quite stunning."
He said he was expecting the plane to flip over and break apart, but it did not.
"It was a great landing," Berretta said.
Air traffic controllers at LaGuardia saw the plane clear the George Washington Bridge by less than 900 feet before gliding into the water about 3:31 p.m., an aviation source told CNN. iReport.com: Are you there? Send images
Witness Ben Vonklemperer said he watched the plane from the 25th floor of an office building.
"If someone's going to land a plane in the water, this seemed the best possible way to do it," Vonklemperer said. "The way they hit it was very gradual. A very slow contact with the water."
US Airways CEO Doug Parker said it would be premature to speculate about the cause of the accident until the National Transportation Safety Board, which is sending a team to the site, completed an investigation.
A source familiar with the situation, however, told CNN the pilot reported a double bird strike, but it was unclear whether that meant birds in both engines or two birds in one engine.
The pilot initially said he needed to go back, and air traffic controllers started to give him clearance to do so, but the pilot said he wanted to head to Teterboro, New Jersey, because it was closer. That was the last transmission from the pilot, the source said.
Passenger Alberto Panero said that within a few minutes after takeoff, he heard a loud bang and smelled smoke. Watch passenger say he heard a loud bang »
"That's when we knew we were going down and into the water. We just hit, and somehow the plane stayed afloat and we were able to get on the raft. It's just incredible right now that everybody's still alive."
Passenger Jeff Kolodjay of Norwalk, Connecticut, said he was sitting in seat 22A, near one of the engines.
"The captain came on and said, 'Look, we're going down. Brace for impact.' Everyone looked at each other and we said our prayers. I said about five Hail Marys," said Kolodjay, who was headed to Charlotte to play golf.
"The plane started filling with water pretty quick," he said. "It was scary. There was a lady with her baby on my left-hand shoulder, and she was crawling over the seats."
Police, fire and Coast Guard boats, along with commercial ferries, were quickly on the scene as passengers lined up on slightly submerged safety chutes as they awaited rescue.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said later Thursday that the plane was tied to a pier at Battery Park City in lower Manhattan. As night fell, Coast Guard and FDNY boats remained at the scene.
President Bush commended those involved in the rescue. "Laura and I are inspired by the skill and heroism of the flight crew as well as the dedication and selflessness of the emergency responders and volunteers who rescued passengers from the icy waters of the Hudson," he said.
Bloomberg also commended the pilot for not leaving the plane until he had checked to make sure everyone had been been evacuated.
"It would appear that the pilot did a masterful job of landing the plane in the river and then making sure that everybody got out," Bloomberg said.
"I had a long conversation with the pilot," Bloomberg said. "He walked the plane twice after everybody else was off, and tried to verify that there was nobody else on board, and assures us there were not."
The temperature in New York was 20 degrees about the time of the crash off Manhattan's west side.
NEW YORK (CNN) -- A US Airways plane with 155 people on board went into a chilly Hudson River, apparently after striking at least one bird upon takeoff from New York's LaGuardia Airport, according to officials and passengers.
iReporter Julie Pukelis used a camera and a telescope to get this view of the scene in the river.
1 of 3 more photos » Everyone on board was accounted for and alive, officials said. About 15 people were being treated at hospitals and others were being evaluated at triage centers.
Flight 1549, headed to Charlotte, North Carolina, was airborne less than three minutes, according to FAA spokeswoman Laura Brown.
The pilot radioed to air traffic controllers that he had experienced a bird strike and declared an emergency, a New Jersey State Police source said.
Sources identified the pilot as Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger.
"I think a lot of people started praying and just collecting themselves," said passenger Fred Berretta. "It was quite stunning." Watch passenger describe landing »
He said he was expecting the plane to flip over and break apart, but it did not.
"It was a great landing," Berretta said.
Don't Miss
Passengers praise 'phenomenal landing'
Videos from crash-landing site
U.S. airlines fly 2 years without fatality
Statement from US Airways Web site
Air traffic controllers at LaGuardia saw the plane clear the George Washington Bridge by less than 900 feet before gliding into the water about 3:31 p.m., an aviation source told CNN. iReport.com: Are you there? Send images
Witness Ben Vonklemperer said he watched the plane from the 25th floor of an office building.
"If someone's going to land a plane in the water, this seemed the best possible way to do it," Vonklemperer said. "The way they hit it was very gradual. A very slow contact with the water."
US Airways CEO Doug Parker said it would be premature to speculate about the cause of the accident until the National Transportation Safety Board, which is sending a team to the site, completed an investigation.
A source familiar with the situation, however, told CNN the pilot reported a double bird strike, but it was unclear whether that meant birds in both engines or two birds in one engine.
The pilot initially said he needed to go back, and air traffic controllers started to give him clearance to do so, but the pilot said he wanted to head to Teterboro, New Jersey, because it was closer. That was the last transmission from the pilot, the source said.
Passenger Alberto Panero said that within a few minutes after takeoff, he heard a loud bang and smelled smoke. Watch passenger say he heard a loud bang »
"That's when we knew we were going down and into the water. We just hit, and somehow the plane stayed afloat and we were able to get on the raft. It's just incredible right now that everybody's still alive."
Passenger Jeff Kolodjay of Norwalk, Connecticut, said he was sitting in seat 22A, near one of the engines.
"The captain came on and said, 'Look, we're going down. Brace for impact.' Everyone looked at each other and we said our prayers. I said about five Hail Marys," said Kolodjay, who was headed to Charlotte to play golf.
"The plane started filling with water pretty quick," he said. "It was scary. There was a lady with her baby on my left-hand shoulder, and she was crawling over the seats." Watch footage of plane in water »
Police, fire and Coast Guard boats, along with commercial ferries, were quickly on the scene as passengers lined up on slightly submerged safety chutes as they awaited rescue.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said later Thursday that the plane was tied to a pier at Battery Park City in lower Manhattan. As night fell, Coast Guard and FDNY boats remained at the scene.
President Bush commended those involved in the rescue. "Laura and I are inspired by the skill and heroism of the flight crew as well as the dedication and selflessness of the emergency responders and volunteers who rescued passengers from the icy waters of the Hudson," he said.
Bloomberg also commended the pilot for not leaving the plane until he had checked to make sure everyone had been been evacuated.
"It would appear that the pilot did a masterful job of landing the plane in the river and then making sure that everybody got out," Bloomberg said.
"I had a long conversation with the pilot," Bloomberg said. "He walked the plane twice after everybody else was off, and tried to verify that there was nobody else on board, and assures us there were not."
The temperature in New York was 20 degrees about the time of the crash off Manhattan's west side. See map of crash site »
Dr. Gabriel Wilson, associated medical director of the emergency room at Roosevelt Hospital, said 55 survivors were checked out and cleared to leave from the scene.
Those being treated at hospitals included a husband and wife with hypothermia at Roosevelt Hospital, as well as a flight attendant with a leg fracture, hospital spokeswoman Michelle Stiles said.
Since 1975, five large jetliners have had major accidents in which bird strikes played a role, according to the Web site of Bird Strike Committee USA, a volunteer group dedicated to reducing the frequency and severity of the strikes.
More than 56,000 bird strikes were reported to the FAA from 1998 to 2004, according to the group's Web site.
People who believe they may have had relatives on the flight may call US Airways at 1-800-679-8215 within the United States, the airline said.
VIew Video
NEWS TODAY : Video Download Seruan Jihad Osama bin Laden mengenai Jihad Melawan Israel
Osama bin Laden Calls For Jihad Against Israel.
Osama Binladen menyerukan untuk jihad melawan israel, untuk video seruannya dapad anda Download di Klik To YOutube
NEWS TODAY : Osama bin Laden mengenai Jihad Melawan Israel


Seruan Osama bin Laden merupakan seruan Osama yang pertama sejak Israel melancarkan agresinya ke Gaza pada 27 Desember 2008 lalu.
kata Osama dalam rekaman berdurasi 22 menit seperti dilansir Sydney Morning Herald, Kamis (15/1/2009) "Hanya ada satu cara kuat untuk mengembalikan al-Aqsa dan Palestina, yakni jihad di jalan Tuhan," .
imbuh pemimpin jaringan teroris itu "Tugasnya adalah menyerukan orang-orang untuk jihad dan mengajak kaum muda masuk brigade jihad," .
Seru Osama : "Bangsa muslim, kaliam mampu mengalahkan zionis dengan kemampuan populer kalian dan kekuatan tersembunyi kalian yang hebat, tanpa dukungan pemimpin arab dan meskipun faktanya adalah sebagian pemimpin mendukung aliansi penjajah-zionis,".
Keaslian rekaman tersebut tak bisa dipastikan secara independen. Rekaman tersebut berjudul "Seruan jihad untuk menghentikan agresi di Gaza".
Kemuaidan, dalam rekaman itu, Osama juga menuduh para pemimpin Arab "menghindari tanggung jawab mereka" untuk memerdekakan Palestina. "Jika kalian tidak yakin untuk berjuang, maka bukalah jalan bagi mereka yang yakin," pungkas Osama
sumber : detiknews.com
NEWS TODAY : BBM Turun Vs Negatif Perasaan Rakyat
NEWS TODAY : Ketika harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) turun justru di pandang negatif untuk kebijakan Pemerintahan SBY-JKSikap
Kata Ketua Program Magister Managemen Universitas Bandar Lampung, Edi Irawan, : "Publik, politisi dan oposisi harus jujur melihat kondisi ini. Semakin berupaya memberikan reaksi negatif terhadap kebijakan tersebut, rakyat akan semakin meninggalkan politisi dan oposisi," kepada detikcom melalui telepon di Jakarta, Selasa (13/1/2009).
Berdasarkan pengamat ekonomi yang alumni Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) ini, penurunan harga BBM merupakan tindakan pemerintah yang sportif yang harus
direspon positif. Untuk tindakan pemerintah ini justru akan mendorong sektor riil semakin tumbuh dan juga memperkokoh fundamental ekonomi Indonesia.
Ongkos produksi dan transportasi turun, walau belum drastis.Walau diakui Edi, kemajuan sektor riil dan fundamental ekonomi memang tidak
terlihat nyata dan cepat, sehingga menjadi bahan olok-olokan bagi yang tidak
"Semangat survive masyarakat luar biasa meningkat ketika krisis pangan dan energi serta pasar finansial global. Ini jangan justru kendur dengan penurunan BBM yang sudah tiga kali dilakukan. Sepanjang yang saya tahu, SBY mengerti managemen energi dan minyak bumi, apalagi dia pernah menjadi Menteri Pertambangan dan Energi di era Presiden Gus Dur," tabahnya.
Karena itu, Edi meminta kepada semua pihak, khususnya politisi dan oposisi untuk jujur melihat kondisi yang ada. Para politisis dan oposisi memang memiliki hak untuk mengkritik dan menyerang kebijakan pemerintah saat menaikan BBM atau sejumlah bahan pokok lainnya. Kemudian anehnya, ketika harga minyak turun, justru para oposisi memandangnya negatif.
Tambahnya : "Ini hanya ada di Indonesia. Jangan berpolitik dengan mengabaikan sukacita
dan kemesraan pemerintah dengan rakyatnya. Bukankah rakyat pernah menggerutu di saat BBM naik,".
sumber : detik.com
NEWS TODAY - Gempa Susulan di Manokwari
NEWS TODAY - Gempa yang terjadi di Manokwari terjadi tidak cukup sekali, gempa susulan kembali mengguncang Manokwari, Papua. Gempa susulan membuat warga yang telah pulang ke rumah kembali lagi ke tempat pengungsian.
Iry Purwono, salah seorang petugas Kelurahan Wosi, Manokwari, Papua, menyatakan "Gempa itu terjadi sekitar pukul 07.55 WIT. Akibat gempa itu warga yang telah pulang balik lagi ke pengungsian," kepada detikcom, Rabu (7/1/2009).
Iry menambahkan, gempa yang berlangsung sekitar 5 detik itu tidak merusak bangunan di Manokari. "Tidak ada kerusakan apa-apa," katanya.
Hasil data Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika (BMG) gempa tersebut berkekuatan 5 SR. Pusat gempa terletak di 143 km Timur Laut Sorong dengan kedalaman 10 km.
Iry mengungkapkan saat ini petugas masih berupaya menyalurkan bantuan yang datang ke Manokwari. Sebelumnya berton-ton bantuan dari Jakarta telah tiba di Papua.
sumber : http://www.detiknews.com/read/2009/01/11/063240/1066275/10/gempa-masih-hampiri-manokwari
NEWS TODAY - Gempa di Manokwari berkekuatan 6 SR
NEWS TODAY - Gempa terjadi lagi, kini menghampiri kawasan indonesia timur, Gempa di Kawasan Manokwari, Irian Barat, kembali terjadi. Gempa di manokwari, Irian Barat yang terjadi berkekuatan 6 Skala Richter.
Gempa di Manokwari terjadi pada pukul 23.18 WIB, Kamis (8/1/2009), menurut situs Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika (BMG). Gempa di MANokwari tidak di gandengi dddengan ancaman tsunami.
Pusat gempa terjadi di kedalaman 10 Km di wilayah barat laut Manokwari, Irian Barat. Hingga pukul 23.30 WIB, belum ada laporan kerusakan dari lokasi kejadian.
sumber : http://www.detiknews.com/read/2009/01/08/234533/1065436/10/gempa-6-sr-kembali-guncang-manokwari
Mudah-mudahan sodara-sodara kita di Manokwari tidak panik dan Tidak ada korban jiwa.

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